Healthcare monitoring centres

Many healthcare response centres are under great pressure, qualified personnel is expensive and scarce and rates are highly competitive. It is therefore important that healthcare response centres have a leading edge in their service provision

Healthcare monitoring centres

Accepting a care alarm call and conducting a triage call are tasks that we have known for years in healthcare management. The healthcare systems are often equipped with an outdated reporting database application which is not medically certified, providing only limited support for the mostly outdated analogue care devices. In recent years, we have seen a significant shift on several fronts towards the desire to modernise and escape from the classic vendor lock-in.

We see the following developments:

  • Outdated and dedicated response room software is replaced by powerful, modern open applications such as SalesForce and Microsoft Dynamics
  • There is a clear increase in medical alarms. For this reason, the IQ Messenger platform is provided with a medical class IIb certification
  • In addition to existing analogue care devices, digital care devices are also used
  • The use of GPS trackers with locationfinding capability is increasing
  • Modern systems for video care, medication distribution and monitoring must be supported in conjunction with the classic care devices
  • It must be possible to combine the use of alarms on smartphones with the response room application
  • There is no more compartmentalisation between intramural and extramural care provision
  • The system allows for linking directly into the various EHRs


Many healthcare monitoring centres are under great pressure, qualified personnel is expensive and scarce and rates are highly competitive. It is therefore important that healthcare response centres have a leading edge in their service provision (think also of medical alarms) and can carry these costs efficiently and brand-independently.

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