Access control

In the event of an emergency such as fire, evacuation or providing resuscitation assistance, immediate access to the site, building, department or room is crucial

Access control

In the event of an emergency such as fire, evacuation or providing resuscitation assistance, immediate access to the site, building, department or room is crucial. This is not always easy because modern access control systems with extensive security measures can cause delays and stress.

IQ Messenger provides smart integrations with access control systems in which access to one or more locations is enabled by means of automatic or manual control. This allows emergency workers to have immediate access without delay.

The smart interface also provides the possibility to start another action in case of “unusual” behaviour. Think of opening a warehouse door in the weekend, after which action is taken by having a security camera start recording immediately. Or a daytime visitor’s access pass, which should lead to an alarm message on an employee’s or guard’s smartphone or two-way radio when used at night.

Virtually every thinkable event within the access control system can lead to another action or chain of actions on one or more other systems by using the IQ Messenger platform. All combinations are possible for the benefit of your work process.

IQ Messenger integrations:


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Determining the location

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Building management and fire alarm systems

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