Redundancy and end-to-end supervision

The IQ Messenger platform provides various safety measures to ensure maximum availability and reliability

Redundancy and end-to-end supervision

The IQ Messenger platform provides various safety measures to ensure maximum availability and reliability with permanent monitoring of the connection to connected devices and systems (end-to-end supervision). The reliability of the IQ Messenger platform in redundant execution is expressed in an uptime of 99.99% and as such is also set out in our ISO 13485 certification, which is audited annually by an independent notified body.

The following mechanisms and functionalities have been implemented within the IQ Messenger platform.

  1. Redundancy with automatic server failover of the IQ Messenger platform
  2. End-to-end supervision of all connected medical and non medical devices Supervising the (medical) devices providing alarms, all the way to our SmartApp running on the smart devices used by the healthcare professional
  3. Monitoring of the IT network by IQ Messenger (two-way monitoring)
  4. Monitoring of IQ Messenger by the IT network (two-way monitoring)
  5. External autonomous watchdog monitoring, part of the NEN2575 standard for fire alarm
  6. Queue mechanism of the nurse call system and medical systems in case of network failure

IQ Messenger cluster (also called high availability or redundancy)

The software runs within a redundant environment on two different (virtual) servers. If there is a server problem or a problem with one of the critical applications of the IQ Messenger software, the other server will automatically take over the operations.


When one or more services active on the server are disrupted, the master server first tries to autonomously restore the process in question. If this is not completed within an adjustable time, the slave server will take over the sessions and act as master. An alarm message is also sent to a selected device or system for notification.


The SmartApp Android also has full monitoring. This means that the SmartApp on the smart device itself detects when the heartbeat to the IQ Messenger server is disconnected for whatever reason. This is displayed both acoustically and optically on the unit. This way the user always knows (hears and sees) when he or she can rely on critical alerts and when he or she cannot.

The IQ Messenger server itself also monitors the heartbeat with the devices / SmartApps and can also send alarms / events when a smart device has been disconnected.

Consider informing a central operator, a manager or in case of compliance with the NEN2575 fire safety legislation. A two-way supervision between the IQ Messenger platform and the smart devices is achieved.


We can now conclude that there is complete end-to-end supervision from the source of the alarm (medical device, nurse call system, personal alarms, etc.) all the way to the smart device / SmartApp used by the professional. The IT network of the hospital acts as a “transport layer” enabling IQ Messenger to receive and send alarms from and to third-party systems. The IQ Messenger platform is therefore capable of monitoring the intermediate IT network and all its servers, routers, switches, etc.

Two-way monitoring

Unlike traditional nurse call systems or alarm servers, the important services / components that “run” within the IQ Messenger platform can also be monitored by the hospital itself using a standard SNMP application.

Now the performance of IQ Messenger is not hidden in a “black box” or in a sales and marketing expression, but transparent and measurable using standard tools by the hospital itself. The end-to-end supervision is also being expanded with our two-way monitoring of the hospital IT network.


Apart from the functionality above, a watchdog feature can also be implemented. By using an autonomous Wago dry contact input/output module, a lamp, flash, horn, etc. can be activated in case of an important network or third-paty system failure. The watchdog functionality is always used in a certified NEN2575 fire alarm environment.

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